treehouse_lili wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 26, 2010 23:43
lucifer is an awesome husband, lucifer is a bamf, gabe is awesome, jess is hot, tag it yourself, evil is more fun, sam is really hot, evil is sexy, hellhounds ftw, jess is smokin', ilu lucifer, lilith is a bamf, deal with it raffi, anna is amazing, anna is beautiful, team evil ftw, oh hells yeah, jess and lill are pretty pretty pretty, sam is lucifer's bitch, fuck yeah team evil, demons are awesome, lilith is back
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 13, 2010 14:08
strippers sammy strippers, jess is a bamf, jess is a awesome wife, spoilers 6x03, jess is hot, sam is a bamf, sam is a working man, jess is beautiful, sam is really hot, lilith is fucking hot, sam is a good husband, deal with it uriel, lilith is a bamf, sam is a demon magnet